13 January 2008

Meet The Press: Russert Hits Hillary Clinton On Race

Do clinton's undermine obama election theme
Hillary Clinton on Meet The Press with Tim Russert
January 13 2008

Forced to go on the defensive, Clinton was defiant, accusing Russert of not giving full quotes, and condemned the media for taking things she and her husband have said out of context. Given the framing of the questions, Hillary was cornered into clarifying her previous statements about Martin Luther King Jr. and defend her record on civil rights. Clinton held her own and was given ample time to defend herself and draw comparisons between her campaign and Barack Obama’s, but this probably wasn’t the way she wanted to start this interview.

11 January 2008

South Carolina Ronald Reagan Debate

TPMtv Extra: South Carolina Ronald Reagan Debate

FOX News Republican presidential debate from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, January 10, 2008 - Ronald Reagan Edition